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VIPTáxi Taubaté. Onde a estrela é você!
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(12) 99114-6700
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About Us 

Bandeiras aceitas pelos Táxi em Taubaté
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Find out a little more about theVIPtaxi Taubate.


THE VIPTaxi Taubate, which for two generations has been acquiring experience and space in this competitive market that is passenger transport (TAXI). Every year more and more new drivers appear and unfortunately some do not take this profession seriously. For this and other reasons we would like to emphasize the quality and seriousness of our services.


Considering that the most valuable asset is the "FAMILY", na equipe VIPTaxi TaubateWe work to offer a personalized service with complete confidence and security. The team VIPTaxi Taubatepossui veículos com 04 portas, ar-condicionado, veículos com seguro e com no máximo 03 anos de uso_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e também alguns de nossos veículos possuem recebimento por "Maquinetas MOVEIS ou Leitores MOBILE"_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_de CARTÕES DE CREDITO E DEBITO, na qual trabalha com varias bandeiras: VISA, MASTER, ELO, AMEX, DINERS, DISCOVER e OUTROS .


With the Corporate sector in mind, VIPTaxi Taubate trabalha com NFS-e * (NOTA FISCAL DE SERVIÇOS ELETRONICA) e BOLETO *, com isso oferecemos ease, trust and transparency in our work.

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