THEVIPTaxi taubate carries out local races in Taubaté and Tremembé, charged by the taximeter. Nas viagens, the team VIPTaxi taubate atende a toda Região Metropolitana do Vale, assim sendo, o passageiro estando em Pindamonhangaba,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Caçapava, São Jose dos Campos, Litoral, in the Capital or in other cities, and needing to go to any other city or state atendemos for a fixed amount, which are calculated by kilometers rodados.
The teamVIPTaxi Taubateserves the general public: users common; corporate such as hotels, businesses, shops, etc. For the corporate sector, we carry out transporte de hospedes, employees, deliveries of documents, vehicle), e as ease and practicality toVIPTaxi Taubate além do credit card receipt, invoice by BOLETO and issue receipts with letterhead and NFS-E (Electronic Service Invoice)
The "Taximeter" devices are checked by IPEN and regulated by the Municipality of Taubaté.
Local Races
I use "Flag I" when:
Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm;
Saturday from 06:00 to 14:00 hours.
I use "Flag 2" when:
Monday to Friday from 19:00 to 06:00 hours;
Saturday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 am Monday time;
National/Municipal Holidays e month of December, all day.
Obs.: The taximeter will be activated in front of the passenger, thus providing greater confidence. However will be activated before, if the passenger wait is longer than 5 minutos. "Taximeter" is measured by IPEN.
Being Intermunicipal Trips, they will be charged per kilometers traveled or may also be charged by taxi.
* Tolls may be charged separately.
Round trips may be charged:
Stop time;
Obs.: Both of the above items is at criteria of negotiation and common sense of both. The services relating to travel can be arranged (closed) before or during the trip.
Companies for as we provide services:
ALM Steel Estruct. Metalicas - Sao Paulo
BenderTec Steel Solutions - Curitiba
Marisas Stores - Via Vale Taubaté
Schenellecke Brasil Ltda - Taubate
Fujikura Automotive - Taubate
Cons. Regional Psicologia- Taubate
Banco do Brasil Shopping - Taubaté
WeatherHaven Brazil - Taubate
Goodyear do Brasil - Taubate
Prolim - Taubate
OneSubSea- Taubate
TankPool - Taubate
SESC - Taubate
Oxiteno - Temembé
project Quitutes and Batuques (PROAC)
We serve some insurance companies